Saturday, July 2, 2011

Harper's Island: The Miniseries

Okay, I am actually really enjoying this, despite all the gratuitous gore. All I have to say is this:

That kid, Madison, is JUST AWFUL. Normally when I see acting this bad, I assume the actress has slept with the director. Since this kid is 8 or so, I'm hoping that isn't the case. Here are some other theories on how she got the part:

1. Dad is a mafia hit man to whom the director owed money. It was either cast of or "swim with the fishes" (it was a tough choice, believe me).

2. The director was really smashed and picked the first name he found in the phonebook. (Slurring): "Heeeeyyyyyy, do YOU have any KITHDSSSS?? ZZZZzzzzz."

3. Somebody overheard the casting director say "Oh, yeah, she's just AWESOME!". Somebody who doesn't grasp the concept of sarcasm.

4. The director lost a bet.

5. Casting took place on Opposite Day.

In all seriousness, I've seen better acting "Mean Girls 2."